Thursday, September 28, 2006


I'm awake! I'm awake! I promise!
Is anyone else as tired as I am? Momma, I'm getting paid back in spades! I've always been a huge bookworm, and when I was growing up, I would stay up half the night reading books--by hall light or flashlight if I must. Many times I'd get caught and my frustrated parents would urge me once again to go to sleep! Well, guess what? My son wants to stay up half the night too. He reads books, writes stories on his computer, plays gameboy, you name it--anything to stay up half the night! And I get up at 4:30am. I saw the clock last at 12:30am. But it's almost Friday . . . : )

We had a really good class last night! We had a full house and Terri brought warm cookies! They were chocolate with walnuts and chocolate chips and SO good! LOL--and our class sure did seem to have lots of spark. Poor Donna kept having to reel us back in and steer us back on course. We had the giggles.

We are doing the book Being a Mary in a Martha World. Momma & I can see my grandmother in the Martha role. Of course most of the women her age are like that. I am more of a Mary. I would much rather sit and visit than get up and prepare a meal (is that bad hospitality? Well? This is my blog, and I'm being honest--LOL) My grandmother is always horrified at this, and she is concerned that I am starving my husband to death. She'll always tell me, "You know there's sandwich makings in there--don't you think John might be hungry?" I think she despairs that she didn't teach me to be a good hostess. But we discussed just being still and knowing He is God. I'm still working on that. Presently, if I am still, I am asleep!

My primary goal for today is to stay awake until my kids are in bed tonight. I guess I need to aim higher. Okay, I'm gonna try to keep a positive attitude today and treat people with love. That's difficult for me, because I seem to have developed a sense of impatience with people that do things that I deem "stupid". But that's my goal for today. What's yours?

To look at my house right now, you would think I am a Mary, but Martha is always taunting me with shoulds. At church meals and gatherings I am 100% Martha and when we can't stay and work, I feel guilt for days.

You Marys make my blood boil. No work AND you're happier about it. "Jesus! Make them help us!! No fair!!"
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