Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Tomorrow, I begin training a new girl. Wow. I wonder how my first supervisor did it. I have no idea how many people she trained. The turnover rate in my job is extremely high. It's a high-stress job. But it is also a very extensive job. I'm still learning a thing or two here and there. There is SO much to be taught to a person. Usually a person has to train minimum for a month at full time hours. And even after that, there are many phone calls from the trainee, asking this or that. And I really don't mind that at all. It's just the whole training thing that is rather mind-boggling at first. I always sit down with the person that first day and mentally say to myself, "Okaaay . . . where to even begin." And I know that it's all learned one step at a time. But that first day is a little intimidating at first.
With all that in mind, I guess I'd better get some sleep. It's almost 10pm. : )