Monday, March 27, 2006

I meant to post yesterday, but boy howdy! It was a DAY! We went to church normal time. I was helping SELTC girls songleading during classtime. After church, we had to run get Daniel some lunch. He had Bulletin Board work at noon, Drama from 1pm to 3pm, puppets at 4pm, chorus at 5pm, and Bible Bowl team at 6pm--all SELTC. What a day! And I was trying so desperately to make a dent in the laundry. It's neverending.

I did have a really bright spot in my day. I got to see one of my best friends that I hadn't seen since Malachi was a tiny one. I had heard that she went through a painful divorce and had recently remarried. What I hadn't heard was that she's expecting! I was so excited for her! I think she's in shock a bit (she's in her 40's and has a 23 year old son), but I think her husband's pretty stoked. He doesn't have any children. But I think a baby is always to be celebrated, so I'm so happy for her. : )

I just finished the last book in the Redemption series by Karen Kingsbury. Truly, if you read nothing else, READ THESE BOOKS!!! This lady has a huge God-given talent for writing and for bringing her readers closer to God. Guess I'll be bugging Momma to let me read the next series--I know she has them already. Once you start reading this lady's books, you can't stop until you've consumed all of them. Yes, I know . . . my name is Susie, and I'm an addict . . .

Getting ready to go jog, then walk the park with Momma. Have a SUPER GREAT day!! : )

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