Friday, February 17, 2006

Friday, the 17th of February, 2006

Hello again--
I never got a chance to post yesterday. It was my one day off this week, and I worked around the house until I got too sleepy to even look at the computer. I tell you, I need every bit of 2 days off to do laundry!

I was so proud of myself yesterday, though. It was nice outside, so I finally got my chance to go walking at the park. I got up and started getting things going, and Malachi was ONE ILL PILL! I thought, "Oh, great. There goes my chance to walk. I bet I only get one lap in." But I took us there anyway. Once we got past the initial tantrum for passing the playground up, we were on our way. After the first lap (1.5 miles), Malachi gave a token complaint that we were once again passing the playground, then settled in and went to sleep! WHOO HOO! I stepped it out then, knowing it was best for my body and his nap that I keep trucking. So, altogether I ended up walking 5 miles. Go me! And John woke up in time to walk the last half mile with me, so that part went by fast. I felt so good. But boy did I get sleepy early last night--LOL.

We're supposed to get a winter storm tonight. Pray that I make it to/from work tomorrow safely. And that the power is on when I get up so that I don't have to go to work looking ugly! Or being cold for that matter! ICK. Is anyone else ready for a little warmer days? Sunshine? "I am! I am!" she jumps up and down waving her arms madly.

Daniel's acting kind of puny tonight. Say a quick prayer that we don't get that flu going round. 2 girls at my work have gotten it already. Oooh! I don't have time to be sick, and I don't want my kids to feel bad, either.

John's off tomorrow, so it will be nice to come home to a warm house with all my family already there. : )

Would someone tell me what they've done with my children? Two out of three of them ASKED to go to bed at 8:30pm! (The third was happily playing with Don-kee and dump truck).

Guess I better go to bed too. I have 2 more 12 hour shift days ahead and one late 6 hour one. Hope you all are having a WARM evening! : )

Glad to see you "Back"!
I don't know how many times I have
Checked your Blogg and was disappointed-No Susie!!!
Keep posting-were reading!!

Love Dad
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