Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Another day. A somewhat calm one at work (thank goodness). Officer P must have been sleepy today But God was good. And He is faithful. LOL--I'll be stuck on that "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" song again. Anyone read Karen Kingsbury? Good stuff! Helps me put things in a different perspective.

If you would, say a little prayer for my Daniel whose ADHD is really rearing its head and challenging his school work.

Madeline and I constructed her little Valentine box yesterday. How fun! How challenging! We used an old Skechers shoe box which is not the kind with a removable lid. No, this one has the kind of flip-top, half-attached lid. I never wrapped one of those before where you could still open the top without tearing the paper. Am I making any sense? But Madeline wanted Strawberry Shortcake on her box (my little sister used to play with those when they were popular last!), so I wrapped it and we put cute little Valentine/Strawberry Shortcake stickers on it. Then, I printed her name with a 24k paint pen. We had so much fun!

Malachi is into donkeys. I don't know why. He just got it into his head that he loves donkeys. I first noticed it when we went to the Shoe Department. They had these cute little plush animal Pez dispensers. I quite frankly didn't notice them as I was trying to help Madeline find some shoes that fit. But not Malachi. He noticed them across the store and was lunging frantically at them while hollering, "DON-KEEEEEE! DON-KEEEE!" I bought him the donkey and Madeline the sheep. Well, Donkey has eaten with us, drank with us, slept with Malachi, and gone potty with Malachi . . . you get the idea. And I didn't think anything would beat out Elmo.

Hope you're having a SPARKLY day! : )

Hmmm, does he like Shrek?
Ha ha, Donna! Funnily enough, he does like Shrek--but only when Donkey's on. But he had never seen Shrek before getting this donkey fettish. We bought the movie a couple of days ago. That's the first thing he asks for when he gets home--he points to the TV and asks to watch "Donkeee". He's not happy when I tell him it's dinner time first. ; )

Thanks, Terri! I'm so glad to be back.
Somehow, I bet you and Madeline have more in common than Strawberry Shortcake. When you've described yourself as a little girl, it often sounds like my Madeline. : )
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