Sunday, June 15, 2008

Madeline's Recital 2008--Happy Feet

Okay, I know you've seen her routine and this costume, but she had her recital the other night (same routine), and got her 3 year trophy along with a "Most Outstanding Team" trophy and t-shirt. Her teacher said that Madeline's team ("Happy Feet") always had such a great attitude and were always SO excited when the teacher told them they were going to do it again--from the top. The kids would cheer at the prospect (LOL). And the video is a little line dance they all did at the end of the recital.

The director asked me after the recital, why I didn't have Madeline in private lessons. I told her that it just really wasn't in the budget right now. She said that Madeline showed such interest and promise, that she would do the privates pro bono if we were interested! Wow.

Thanks for looking! :)

Recital Day
Madeline is the 3rd one.

Madeline getting her 3 year trophy.

Madeline getting her "Most Outstanding Team" trophy and t-shirt.

Madeline examining her treasures--LOL.


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